
Free Sticky Previews 2.8
Free Sticky Previews 2.8

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The plugin version has been updated to match Kong Gateway’s version.

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If your custom plugin uses queues, it must The module _queue has been renamed to and See each plugin’s documentation for details. If you use queues in these plugins, new parameters must be configured. Parameters to not function as expected anymore. The queuing system has been reworked, causing some plugin OpenTelemetry ( opentelemetry), and Datadog ( datadog) Tracing all requests causes unnecessary resource drain for most production systems. Instead of the previous 1 (trace all requests). Tracing: tracing_sampling_rate now defaults to 0.01 (trace one of every 100 requests) Priority value is assigned to each path in a route. Traditional router and the behavior has now been changed so that a separate This was not how multiple paths were handled in the To each route, even if different prefix path lengths and regular expressions Router in Kong Gateway 3.0, traditional_compat mode assigned only one priority Multiple atc routes with separate priorities. The traditional_compat router mode has been made more compatible with theīehavior of traditional mode by splitting routes with multiple paths into We will stop building Alpine images and packages in Kong Gateway 3.4. These images and packages are still available in 3.3. Release Date 9 Breaking changes and deprecationsĪlpine deprecation reminder: Kong has announced our intent to remove support for Alpine images and packages later this year. It is planned for removal with Kong Gateway 3.4. We will stop building Alpine images and packages in Kong Gateway 3.4.Ĭassandra deprecation and removal reminder: Using Cassandra as a backend database for Kong Gateway is deprecated.

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These images and packages are available in 3.2 and will continue to be available in 3.3.

  • Fixed an issue with the Oauth 2.0 Introspection plugin where a request with JSON that is not a table failed.Īlpine deprecation reminder: Kong has announced our intent to remove support for Alpine images and packages later this year.
  • Fixed an issue addressing occassional issues attaching a workspace with the cache’s consumer well.
  • Fixed a Jenkins issue where kong/kong-gateway: was missing patch.
  • Fixed a bug that the anonymous report can’t be silenced by setting anonymous_reports=false.
  • Updated the datafile library that meant when Kong was started with systemd, the SAML plugin did not load.
  • Fixed a queueing-related bug that meant the event_hooks did not fire and led to errors in the logs.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause an error when the header x-datadog-parent-id is not passed to Kong.
  • Fixed a bug that causes POST /config?flatten_errors=1 to throw an exception and return a 500 error under certain circumstances.

  • Free Sticky Previews 2.8